Morgan In a Nut Shell

Hi! I'm Morgan, nice to meet you! 
Most people call me Mo, or Momo.
This is my life, in a nut shell...

22 years old. College student. Gymnast. Gymnastics coach. Outgoing. Passionate. Bubbly. Caring. Silly. Sensitive.
I find: Passion. Success. Happiness. Dreams. Expression. Laughter. Beauty. Remarkable People. Above all, Love - drive me.
I aspire to make a name for myself, find my place and make an impact in this world, achieve all my dreams, goals, aspirations.
I'm thankful every second, of every day for the people who I call family and friends. 
Laughing is far and away, hands down, my most favorite thing to do. It's amazing.
My life is very blessed and simply fabulous.
I hope I inspire you and make you laugh through the things that I love and the things I write about. I started this blog as a creative outlet for myself after seeing my sister's blog, and it's truly opened my eyes to so many things I've been missing out on and not seeing. I hope it brings something special to you, or opens your eyes, heart, or mind atleast once - because that would be wonderful.
Loving and Living life out loud.

Cory Ray. Family. Best Friends. Home. Animals. Music. Gymnastics. Running. Sports. Tight hugs. Honesty. Helping People. Summer. Swimming. Laughing until my stomach hurts. Kisses on the forehead. Bonding. Cooking. Cookouts. Backyard Fires. Inspiration. Fashion. Singing. Concerts. Taylor Swift. Christina Perri. Bruno Mars. The Script. Joshua Radin. Kid Cudi. Lifehouse. Shwayze. Daughtry. Rihanna. Gary Allan. Brad Paisley. Tim McGraw. Michael Bublé. CSI Las Vegas. Sex and the City. True Blood. House. The Office. Deep, meaningful talks. Dancing. Giggling. Pictures. Writing. Reading. Creativity. Shopping. Earrings. Boating. Sherbet. Cookie Dough. Adventures. Traveling. Road Trips. Beaches. Beauty. Expression. Spontaneity. Flowers. Thrifting. Slumber Parties. Meeting new 
People. Parties. Holidays. Pink. Leopard Print. Smiling. 
Putting loved ones before myself. Being myself above all. 

My Favorites to Blog About
Let me introduce you to the people in this world that make my world go 'round. 

My Parents
Think of them as K squared. Kieran and Kerrie. What a pair! I have such amazing and beautiful parents. I am beyond blessed, appreciative and thankful for them and how they've always been there and all they've done - and will always do - for me. I can't tell you how much I love them or how big of a hug I want to give God for blessing me with them as parents. They're beyond extraordinary and nothing short of fabulous.

My Big Sister
She's pretty much the coolest big sister on the planet. This is Katie, she's a fashion designer for Abercrombie and Fitch and she inspires me so much. I wish she didn't live so far - I miss her all the time! She is such a strong individual who just deserves the world and I just love her to death! We may not look alike, act alike or think alike, but I don't think I would have it any other way. She rocks - bottomline. Katie's Blog: West 1st Avenue.

My Little Brother
Cameron is pretty much the stud of the family with one of the biggest hearts around (even though he doesn't openly show it). He also is a hilarious, spur of the moment comedian. You've got to be there to catch it because it's never the same the second time around. He's my little bud and I'm just so proud of him!

Jess (JB = Jessica Brady) and I both grew up in the gymnastics gym and have been best friends forever. Our inside jokes are endless, and it's always nice to know that she's always there to talk to and be with. She has such an amazing heart - Love you Stella! JB's Blog: Undressing Jess

This gal pal of mine is unstoppable. I like to refer to her as: Trooper - for many, many reasons. She's a nurse, and in the Army. She is one of the most caring, thoughtful, down to earth people I know. She takes care of me so much, and I'm so thankful for her. I can't get enough of her. Never a dull moment - to Pluto and back!

Liz and Betsy
We come in a set of three - dating back to elementary school. (Liz in the middle, Betsy on the right). Such awesome girls and we've stuck together through think and thin. My two peas! No matter where life is going to take any of us, we'll pick back up right where we left off. Betsy's Blog: Straya!

The Beebe's
Maybe you've caught on, and perhaps you haven't. But these two fine individuals, Connie and Bruce, are the parents of Melissa (above) and the love of my life, Cory (below) and Vinny Vinny da Vinci Code! They have become so much apart of my life, a second family, it's hard to explain. But I will say this: they are such magnificent, beautiful, caring and loving people. Dull moments are nonexistent when it comes to the Beebe's and without them, my world would certainly be missing something amazing.

Cory Ray
Last, but certainly not least - Cory Ray.
God sure did break the mold when he made you, and I am forever thankful.
Track is the love of his life - he's a two-time National Champion in the 400m hurdles.
Words will never be able to describe, or actions will never be able to show how much I love this kid. He is my best friend, and makes me so happy. I wish I could give him the world, or I wish he could see himself though my eyes. We make quite the perfect team and he can make me laugh like no other and leaves me with the biggest smile on my face, greatest feeling in my heart, makes me a better person for who he is, what he does and how he loves me. I only can hope that I make him feel the same.

My life in a nut shell. Woo.
Love always,