Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Big and Grand Big - and APO Family

Last week was Big/Little week.
This means that all week our Big's (who concealed their identify all week) left us little notes and gifts with clues as to who they were.
Then, at our Brother meeting last week, was the Big/Little Reveal. 
The Bigs roped the room in a maze and we (the Littles) were to unravel our own separate balls of yarn which traced to our Big. 
Sounds easy...but it was anything but!

Below is documentation of a GIANT mess. A lot of the yarn got so knotted together we had to temporarily cut them apart.

In the end, my Big was discovered. I am so happy Shelbi is my Big.
This is my 'family' (All of the 'relatives' connected to my Big and Grand Big...and now ME!):

And this is my Big and Grand Big at formal:
(Big - Shelbi to the right, and Grand Big - Cassy in the middle)
APO until the day we die.
Love always,