Friday, August 19, 2011

Surprise Road Trip! {Part Two}

Cory and I, over the past two years, have become big fans of stopping at different colleges and universities and exploring.
According Forbes, Kenyon College is one of the most beautiful college campuses in the world.
Lucky for us, it was just an hour and half drive. We had said that we want to make it there before we move -- but time was slipping away from us.
Fear not, Cory took care of things.

It should have dawned on me earlier where we were headed, but I found out when we were only 5 minutes away by a road sign. 
We made a day out of it exploring the campus - "ooo-ing and awww-ing" at basically every turn. 
Take a look.
As odd as this may sound, the old cemetery was a really cool thing on the campus.

We made our way to the library. Cory makes fun of me a little every time we come across a library because I have this rather large love for them...and Kenyon College made me want to go back in time and go there just so I could spend my days in their library...kind of...
And I secretly think Cory really admires my love for libraries.
These books...THESE BOOKS. I don't even know what to say...I was loosing my mind at how amazing they were.
The library even had bean bag chairs. So cool!
Then Cory and I found "our corner" - where we would study. Best view + most amazing chairs.
Funny thing is, Cory hates to study - probably more than anything in the world. But he did say, "this library makes me want to be in school...(5-7 second pause)...kind of...maybe."
It's a start, right?
This library also had electronic sliding bookcases!!

We also went into every single building we could - meaning we checked almost every door we saw to see if it was unlocked. Luckily, most of them were. And we even sat and rested in a large lecture hall.
Inside these buildings were just as magnificent as outside of them. 

Down yonder, we made our way to our love: the athletic facility...and it DID NOT disappoint. 
In fact, we are still speechless...
These pictures do not do this facility justice whatsoever. 
Oh, and Kenyon College Swimming and Diving team rules the D3 world. No, really, it does - look up the titles/records.
(Traditional picture of college campus visits with the hurdle)
We took a lap around the indoor track.
Then we headed to the outside track.
It would be an understatement if I said: Cory was in Heaven, but trust me - he was!
(Side note: we want to say thank you to whatever organization had 5 coolers of water sitting, abandoned, out on the track. We were SO hot/thirsty from all of our walking and the heat was getting to us -- so we each had two small cups of water. We can't say thank you enough!)
(Second side note: Cory wanted so bad to run into someone on the track team to see if they'd know him. He was two-time D3 National Champ after all...)

A weeping beech tree - most amazing tree, in my opinion.
Inside the tree:
We tried to carve something into the tree - but we forgot our pocket, wait - we forgot to own one.

Leaving campus, we drove up to the observatory.

Right down the road was Mount Vernon Nazarene University.
We, of course, added this one to our "Campus Visit" list.
Beautiful, beautiful day with such a beautiful person.

Love always,