Let's give a High Five For: Another 4.0.
I know this may sound slightly odd, very odd if you will, but I always get kind of sad when I end up throwing away my semester's worth of notecards...{like here} {or here}.
But why would I keep them?
But I did it.
I DID IT!!!! I am alive from a semester that I didn't know how I was going to get everything done.
It's funny really - the whole drive home after my last final I found myself laughing to myself because I got all of my
{discussion boards done, 9 papers done, 3 quizzes done, 2 finals done, and my internship (blah, blah, blah) done-zo}
and on my drive home I just kept saying to myself:
It ALWAYS seems impossible until everything is done.
But you know what, it wasn't impossible. And hard work, once again, allowed me to achieve my goal.
But guess what...summer school starts MONDAY...TOMORROW!