Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My 22nd Birthday.

I am 22.
Still really weird to see that, let alone say it.
But I am! Hooray!
Two days before my birthday, Cory and I met up with my parents at Friday's for some food, drinks and laughs.
I ended up getting free pairs of sunglasses and got my picture taken by the restaurant, a shared grape drink and a delicious Long Island.

The day before my birthday, Cory took me out to a wonderful dinner which ended in this AMAZING dessert:
And then my family hit up BW3's before heading out to the real celebration. 
My beloved friend, JB, planned a night out of fun, darts (which never were played sadly), and karaoke!
She knows my likes all to well. 

This is JB and I singing to Taylor Swift, of course.

And, my one and only was having a ball as well!

One of the best performances of the night came from my sister singing solo to TLC's No Scrubs.
I love her so much!

And here is JB and I cheesing for the camera!

And Mr. Cory Ray and Melissa joined in on the singing, too.

Then my beautiful friend Alexa joined us!!
JB, Alexa and I grew up together in the gymnastics gym.

And like any of my birthday celebrations, it would not be complete without a silly (and at times weird) picture with a main worker at the place we were at. 
(Last year, for my 21st, I got a picture with our Taxi driver, Steve.)
This is the DJ. 
Don't ask me what goes through my head or why I insist on pictures like these, I just do...

The dancing and singing were endless.
The night was so much fun. 

JB's parents, Cory's Mom and my Mommy and Daddy joined in on the fun as well as!
They were giggling the whole time at us, mostly.
And Cory tried his little heart out to get my Dad to sing with me...but that was a no go.
Next time, though! It will happen!

The night ended with some chuckles, too. 
Katie wandering around the driveway and Cory getting sick. 
Ah, the memories. 

I LOVED my 22nd birthday celebration.
Now, on to enjoy being 22.

Love always,