Showing posts with label School Days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School Days. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Being an Alum.

The President of Akron read Dr. Seuss' 'Oh The Places You'll Go" in his address at graduation - which is beyond perfect because that's my favorite little book. I got two copies of the book when I graduated high school from a friend and a teacher. It's so wonderful.

The opening is just that:
"Congratulations! Today is your day! You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!"

"Wherever you fly, you'll be best of the best. Wherever you go, you will top all the rest."

"And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) Kid you'll move mountains!"

At times, I looked back at what my college career was turning into and I used to get super sad...kinda mad...and then needed to get another grip because it was what it was...and I created it. I switched majors, switched schools, switched my thinking process. But I guess - who doesn't?

In the end, there is no need to head down that dead end road anymore. Akron was the best school for me, I worked my tail off and I graduated Summa Cum Laude in a major that I feel in love with. I met some amazing people and got into classes that were taught by people who blew my mind every lecture. Akron holds some pretty phenomenal professors - some who've changed my life. What is better then any of that?

Being at Akron taught me that overloading myself every single semester to the point of breaking down and burning out all the time is a big no, no in life. When you're tired or have way too much on your plate - you need to listen to yourself and take a step back to refocus and recharge - not keep wearing yourself so thin everyday. At times, that only got me further behind. 

At Akron, I also learned to just enjoy the here and now.
To enjoy myself. These days are the ones I'll be calling the "good old days" that I'll miss in some days ahead. 

Akron taught me to devote myself to what I want - my ideas - and to go get it and make it happen.
I learned that it's OK to not always get a 100% on something, to not always say the right answer, to not always be..."perfect".
It's apart of life to struggle and have fears and I learned to not be afraid to struggle on my goals and dreams - and to overcome my fears.

I learned that when you let go of all the tension and pressure you place on yourself and certain situations - and just smile - things will happen even better then you planned so hard for. 

Believing in myself, however, was the greatest thing that I really gained at Akron. 
And now, I am a proud Alum.
Love always,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Motivation Monday

A month and a half before graduation...
I am so exhausted.
Here is my Motivation Monday, hope you find power in it as well.
Source: Aimee Dolich
Love always,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

High Five For: Surviving Spring 2011

Let's give a High Five ForAnother 4.0.

I know this may sound slightly odd, very odd if you will, but I always get kind of sad when I end up throwing away my semester's worth of notecards...{like here} {or here}.
But why would I keep them?
But I did it.
I DID IT!!!! I am alive from a semester that I didn't know how I was going to get everything done. 
It's funny really - the whole drive home after my last final I found myself laughing to myself because I got all of my 
{discussion boards done, 9 papers done, 3 quizzes done, 2 finals done, and my internship (blah, blah, blah) done-zo}
and on my drive home I just kept saying to myself:
It ALWAYS seems impossible until everything is done. 
But you know what, it wasn't impossible. And hard work, once again, allowed me to achieve my goal. 
But guess what...summer school starts MONDAY...TOMORROW! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A {finals} Week in the Life of Morgan.

Shower? What's that?
Legs...are...hairy. Is that proper of me to say? I only speak the truth!
Nails bitten so low I'll be surprised if I haven't ruined them for good. 
Messy bun is permanently on top of my head. (No, wait...that's everyday. My bad.)
Room has been officially declared a hazardous zone (complete with 'DANGER No Trespassing' rope. I just don't want to be sued for someone breaking a leg, or something worse, in my room because the ground cannot be seen and you have no idea what pair of jeans or what shoe may decide to jump up and trip you). 
Poor Pam, THE Grand Am, is coming dangerously close to the same fate...hazardous zone. And she has to listen to me talk to myself quite a bit.
Peanut butter and jelly morning, noon and night. (Actually, I would like to take this time to thank my Mom for her AMAZING dinners. She is the reason I have any kind of nutrients in my body this week.)
A big thanks is in order for my whole family for putting up with me!
My mind could, hands down, beat any world record for how fast it races.
My stress and anxiety levels are, I'm sure, unchartable. 
Hand cramps and butt cramps. 
My favorite pair of jeans have been worn one too many times. 

Classmates and friends, I am sorry you've had to witness (and maybe even smell) my old hoodie that I have seemed to wear for four days straight. You'll be happy to know it is currently in the dirty clothes pile. 

Constant jittery bounce of the right leg. (CONSTANT)

I had to revert back to the good old Webster's Dictionary for the definition of sleep the other day. It is defined as follows: (noun): a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. It's funny because I started to think that it meant you sit in your bed until the early morning hours and strain your eyes by staring wide eyed at notecards, the computer screen, or a textbook while trying to jam everything into your noggin. Wow, was I wrong. 

When I actually do participate in the activity of sleep, I wake up still thinking about what I've been studying. I think it's my own weird way of performing osmosis. Whatever floats your boat, right?

The e-mail is checked no less than 10 times a day (yes, I am over exaggerating slightly). It's probably more like 9. 
Double, triple (dare I say quadruple) checking of online submissions that they were sent and received! 
I rarely blog...and this is the saddest fact of them all. 
I teach my cats what Uncertainty Reduction Theory is, what enculturation is, and rehearse a lot of really big philosophy terms that I know they were just pretending to understand what I was talking about just to help me study. (They're the best).
And every morning I pump myself up for the day ahead by going to the mirror and making "tough guy" faces. Followed by my "going insane face". 
And then I pretty much say to, there's something is wrong with you. 
BUT, other than life is fairly normal :) 

Anyways, over and out.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Keep on keepin' on...

My name is I Don't Ever Sleep Anymore, it's nice to meet you, 2 am.
No, no, it's not by choice. That's just my name that was given to me from my unthought out choice of taking a million and two classes this semester. 

Anyways, is this what it's like at this time of night...morning? (I don't even know your proper time of day you're so foreign to me, my apologizes.)
But, I have to admit, you're kind of lovely with your quiet breeze coming in through my window, darkness that lets me focus. 

I thought I'd just introduce myself since we'll probably be seeing quite a bit of each other for the next week and a half. 
Yeah, homework, know, the works. 

Yeah, I know, nine papers is along the lines of completely absurd. 

Anyways, I better go. I am trying to finish a paper and get a few hours of sleep before day breaks to head off to school again.
Plus, I am sitting here in my bed literally thinking I am conversing with a time of day...
Yep. Until next time, lover. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Taking a quick break from my never ending homework to release some thoughts.
(Thank goodness for PhotoBooth so I can be distracted further to take pointless pictures of me loosing my mind!)
....well, I mean then there is finals week - but you get the point.
In these remaining weeks I have: 2 discussion boards due, 9 papers due (yes, I said that even possible...and currently, I'm freaking out), 3 quizzes, 2 finals, internship to wrap up that is stressing me out (but I do LOVE!)
I don't really know if all of this is possible in two weeks (It's going to have to be), and I sincerely wish I was kidding about the 9 papers. 
I didn't even realize it was that many until right now. 
Never again with the 21 credit hours. NEVER AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
But, come early May I can look back and scream and jump for joy the semester is OVER! 
Gotta get cracking!
Good luck if you're finishing school!
Peace, love, and homework forever.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Note to self (goal):

Love always,

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tweeter, Tweeter Pumpkin Eater

February 2011
{My Twitter}
1. First day of February was wonderful! "Akron, Akron, gave me a snow day? I'm speechless! :)"

2. The prefect snow day snack?: "I just made the best snow day snack: hot chocolate and marshmallows with peanut butter and honey graham cracker sandwiches. DIVINE."

3. "My mom and I have a bit of an addiction when we run errands together. These always sneak into the check out:"

4. The second day of February: "Snow day again? HIP, HIP, HOORAY! Reliving elementary school excitement all over again...minus the college homework and work tonight..."

5. And the morning my car window officially (like totally and completely died and was open with no chance of it shutting RIGHT as I was running late for school): "Holy heavens! What a less than desirable morning. Now, on campus for 11 hours..."

6. "Low key family weekend on the horizon. YES!!! xoxo" and "McDonalds breakfast with my parents! Have not had it in ages!! So exciting :)"
(We then went to my Dad's office to help him clean, pitch and organize this bookcase in his office that was bestowed upon him when he moved into his new office. This is us in the process BELOW)
Three and a half hours later:
(And then my Dad treated us to Gasoline Ally, an amazing restaurant with the best pizza and yogurt dip.
This is my: "Small pizza with extra cheese and light sauce..." or you could say 'my cheese oozing grease slab'. Either way, IT WAS AMAZING! 
(Notice my Dad totally beating me in the healthy eating zone with this awesome salad in the back there...)

7. My Pam (my car) finally went into the shop to get her window fixed: "Car window is getting FIXED, it's a beautiful snow fall this morning, I'm in love and life is good.  xoxo"
(BELOW: My window works!!!)

8. And my new (way long term) wish: "I pray my kid is like this. What an adorable little nugget!"

9. The night I decided to be good and follow the rules ended painfully: "I wore my retainer last night. First time in a long time. O.U.C.H. x A LOT." (BUT, my teeth looked pretty fabulous in the morning.)

10. "From noon until 12:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays is becoming one of my least favorite times...but I don't want to have a least favorite time." (I have to hike it from one edge of campus to the COMPLETE other edge of campus in less than 15 minutes, uphill. Shin splint central + cardio workout + getting an education = the ultimate multitasking!)

11. "It is a first! My Mom and I were told we look alike! Precious! I REALLY enjoy when my Mom comes to see me at school! :)" (I know I live with her still...and school is 25 minutes away...but it makes me so excited every time!)

12. Ohio Wintertime. "Northeast Ohio life lately = absolutely frigid."

13. If you know 'Twitter' lingo, you'll understand these tweets: "@, I just want to let you know that when you call me at 1:30 in the morning to tell me about a retweet, you've already made me day!" He got 'retweeted' from Drew Carey: "And not even then! :) RT @: @ is good at math. But only if the two numbers add up to $1 or less." (Cory was SO excited!)

14. "Happy 18th Birthday little Bro Bro!"

15. "Donating blood today with my Mom (she is 'facing her fears')! WOO-HOO! :)"
(And, yes, we TOTALLY parked in the blood donor parking spot)

16. "I'm doing homework with my little nugget all nestled in my leg nook.#meow"

17. Direct from the dentist: "You truly have very healthy, beautiful teeth." SCORE! #GoodDentistVisit"

18. "I had such a beautiful drive into the city this morning. Ah, I love mornings like today! #CitySunrise"

19. And then we had a warm spell in the air on February 16th: "I drove to work with my window down! DOWN! #LifeisSOgood" 

20. And about my commutes to school: "Sometimes I really enjoy driving with no music, no talk shows, no noise. #relaxationbeforechaos"

21. When I was headed out to see Cory/when I got there: "My heart is racing so fast :) I cannot stop smiling!" and "Right now, at 12:07 in the afternoon on Friday February 18, 2011, is the new best moment of my life. #Bliss"
(I secretly snapped a picture of my new favorite moment)

22. And when I was leaving Cory..."Never fails. I can feel depression central setting in. Never fails in the slightest..."

23. My saying I made: "Communicate. Be true. Trust. Repeat. (Forever)." 

24. "Happy 50th Daddy-O!!"
(And Dad who 'can't stand our cats'...was caught in the act. Once everyone was up and done eating and my Dad was still at the table - my little nugget, White Sox, was sitting at the table (which he is not allowed to do, but my Dad allowed it) and my Dad gave White Sox a taste of ice cream. It was a once in a lifetime moment. I was so proud. True bonding moment here: SO FUNNY!)

25. "My cat is obsessed with my printer when it is printing...#SOWEIRD!" (Seriously, he can hear it from anywhere in the house and comes running. Then he just stares at it and then lays on the paper when it comes out. He jammed it one time...I was furious!)

26. Watching the Oscars: "Ok. Oscars. I LOVE when people accepting awards say how much they love their spouses. I think it's my new favorite part of award shows. Yes."

27. On the last day of the month: "It is February. It is thundering. It is amazing. It is making me SO happy" and "...and lightening just lit up my room. And it is February.#AHSOAMAZING."
Love always,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dear Young at Heart Morgan,

You really need to remind me that I used to LOVE school.
Remind me that I used to love getting all of my school supplies, color coordinating my subjects, 
had the coolest/cutest pens and school accessories.
Remind me that I used to lay out my outfits the night before, pack my lunch the night before, I used to thrive for projects and book reports and be somewhat of a teacher's pet...and that's A-OK.
Remind me that I used to want my notes and homework to be so neat. I used to be so in love with decorating my cubby and locker. 
Remind me that school is not life or death...
And, I'm sorry, but I think I've lost some of that.
I think I sometimes take the fact that I am in college, learning, for granted.
And how dare I complain and take this great opportunity for granted?
Remind me that education is not life or death, but an outlet to the biggest and the best things in life.
Remind me that school is fun and exciting and rewarding and I, deep down, really love it. 
Love always,

Monday, December 13, 2010

High Five For: Hard Work Paying Off!

Let's give a High Five ForAnother 4.0.

I did it. I am done. I am on break. I am relaxing. I am so happy.
Another semester is over, but this semester was one of the ones I worked the hardest at.
This semester, I overloaded with 19 credit hours but came through with my goal GPA. 
I'd like to be able to always have this lingering reminder in the back of my mind that hard work will pay off,
but I sometimes forget a fall back to stress. 
But when all is said and done, it's times like this that remind me that hard work never fails to produce amazing results. 
Earlier today I was organizing my papers and book and notecards of what to sell, trash and keep. 
My collection of notecards this year was pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. 
This is half of my semester.

And this is my semester life in notecards:
Love always,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm struggling over here. 
One week left of school....
One more long, busy as a bumblebee week.


Three people asked me in a matter of 10 minutes if I was really hard on myself. 
Another later commented that I worry too much about school.
And earlier this semester, I was told by a professor of mine I have definate perfectionist tendencies. 

I know...

Oh, and on top of my anxiety of school and these realities thrown my way, (today being my last day of instructional classes and next week is finals week) I found out I have a final in a class that we were told there was going to be no final all semester.

Talk about a Morgan freak out.
If I could compare my thought when I was told this information, perhaps think of the world ending. 
And I have a head ache. 
But please, with finals week here, and school at it's craziest form right now, 
Spare me the comments of my crazy ways and let me be. 

Lets do this. 
Love always,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

High Five For: Rockin' out the Semester

Let's give a High Five For: 4.0's, notecards and awesome professors!

I've learned a lot of things this semester, it really was a good one. But, above all, what I learned the most is that my hardcore procrastination that took place can still get me my 4.0. I'll roll with that...

Procrastination? ME? times it was bad. 
At one point in time I was up until 4:00 in the morning writing a 12 page paper that was due the same day. I got a 100% on it.
Then there was a numerous times when I started to write my Women's Studies papers a day before they were due.
And my tests, I started to study for most of those a day before hand as well. 
But, listen, I do have a method to my madness - and it's called notecards. 

Here is all the notecards I used to get me through the semester! These little guys are lifesavors, and without them, this past semester's GPA wouldn't have been possible. 
Oh, and I had the most awesome professors this semester. They were awesome, and I learned a ton! 
And yeah, I have to give credit to myself as well - I'm a complete nut about my there.
That's my congradulation's speech. 
Love always,