March 2011
{My Twitter}
1. I should have known March was going to wind up being an extreme struggle...this was my first tweet: "It's kind of crazy how alone you can feel in a world filled with SO many people."
{My Twitter}
1. I should have known March was going to wind up being an extreme struggle...this was my first tweet: "It's kind of crazy how alone you can feel in a world filled with SO many people."
3. "Here's to Happiness: Bundling up on the couch with my cat, CSI on TV and some magazines in the afternoon."
4. "Burying myself in my bed of blankets until I have to get up and be brave again tomorrow."
5. If #4 was not an indication to me that things were about to go down hill, very fast, this one surely should have been: "Lately, quietness is best for me. I have finally admitted to myself I have lost my mind and am sure of nothing."
6. When all else fails, this DOES NOT: "Air guitar. In my room. Blasting music. Dancing. Screaming. #TaylorSwift. #TGIF. #Hallelujah"
7. Oh, hey, remember last month when I fixed Pam...yeah, well...: "Phantom windshield wipers...great. Another glitch to Pam." When you just want one swipe of them? Well I now get it five times in a row...and then they stop in the middle of the windshield...
8. Perhaps you all can relate..."Oh, HEY ZIT ON MY CHIN! You must be the friend of my stress. Well, welcome. I see you've already made yourself at home."
9. Before my rockstar sister jetted off to Korea for two weeks, I went to spend some time with her and the Columbus gang: "Columbus for the day and night to see my Sissy. I think I may fall into her arms and cry." (Thanks to John Franks for taking such good care of me that night!)
10. "Please help me get through this week." and "I feel sick because of school." I don't want to relive that week...ever...mainly because of: "While philosophy blows my mind every single day, I have gone insane trying to write 2, 6-page papers on material I DON'T UNDERSTAND!"
11. "I was just told how great of a name I have, twice. Thank you. I like it too...a lot." But, lets be honest here...all the thanks and praise goes to Ma and Pa. They are the true creators of this GREAT name I have!
12. Here we are again: "Night after night I find myself back in my bed wondering where the day went. I need a lifestyle change but I still need to find the courage."
13. "Rain, rain, rain...for two days straight. But no worries, giant snow storm tonight. #Ohio" All was certainly not lost in these days -- I got to use my giant clear bubble umbrella! I love that thing! But I need rain boots (preferably Hunter Boots!!!) because: "...and I just stepped in the biggest puddle...not ever...but my sock is uncomfortably wet now."
14. And happiness was realized on a walk to class: "Honestly, my friends here at Akron, the people in my classes, and my professors are so amazing. Really make me so happy. #GoZips"
15. Note to self, always: "Self-realization: If I don't have #confidence in what I am doing, I (for lack of a better term) am screwed."
16. TRUTH: "Salad bars are the best!!!"
17. Forever: "I am ever so thankful for my parents. They are the best...BEST EVER. #Metforadrink"
15. Collapse: "It's only half past the point of no return."
16. This one is the worst one yet because I will forever remember exactly how I felt during this moment...all joking aside...I didn't know what else to do because my life was flipped upside down: "My head has not hurt that bad since I split my eyebrow open and got 23 stitches. What a horrible, horrible experience that was. (BUT...people seriously underestimate the magic and power of a cold cloth on the forehead and eyes...and a glass of water...)"
(Here is to show a comparison to how bad my head hurt:)
(Here is to show a comparison to how bad my head hurt:)
17. "I will never forgive myself forgiving up...but I didn't have any other choice. I'm just so dead inside, it's scary."
18. In the following days: "My two little cuddle monster boys have been by my side all day. I couldn't ask for anything else."
19. I have my Mom to thank for this one: "Can't sleep. Went to the fridge. THERE IS #CHOCOLATEMILKTHERE. Am I dreaming? NO! Ekkkkkk!!! :) 1:00 AM happiness." THANK YOU MOMMY.
20. "Margaritas with Liss and MCC make everything better. LOVE THEM!! xo"
21. Melissa took me to the movies for a date: "#TheAdjustmentBureau. Have you seen it? #Blewmymind Couple it with butter loaded popcorn and a large raspberry iced tea. (Thank you, Liss.)"
22. "@christinaperri, you're saving my life right now." and "Just bought #arms by @christinaperri. Repeat on [check]. Going to hide in my comfort zone and listen, forever." Listen to her here, she is amazing!!
23. "I just got the nicest care package ever. Thank you, @jbrady87 (Jess Brady). I am speechless. I love you." Music, candy and a notebook...she knows me all to well.
24. "My Mom is making chocolate chip cookies. THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!" I love you Mom!!
25. "I am thankful that if my world had to come crashing to the ground, it did over break - because at least I'm not fighting two wars at once." Amen.
26. "Had lunch with my long lost Stephanie Buckwald. Wow...where does time go?"
27. I want to sleep, so bad. I just can't. "The only way I fall asleep these days is to wear myself out to the point just past extreme exhaustion."
28. "Oh. It's St. Patrick's Day? I almost forgot that it's my holiday. Luck O' the Irish. Kiss someone for me today."
29. "I'm laying out on my deck in leggings and a sweatshirt. It's cozy and the sun...I will forever be thankful for." The sun can do wonders. Heart shaped sun glasses and my 2011 notebook do the trick too!
24. "My Mom is making chocolate chip cookies. THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!" I love you Mom!!
25. "I am thankful that if my world had to come crashing to the ground, it did over break - because at least I'm not fighting two wars at once." Amen.
26. "Had lunch with my long lost Stephanie Buckwald. Wow...where does time go?"
27. I want to sleep, so bad. I just can't. "The only way I fall asleep these days is to wear myself out to the point just past extreme exhaustion."
28. "Oh. It's St. Patrick's Day? I almost forgot that it's my holiday. Luck O' the Irish. Kiss someone for me today."
29. "I'm laying out on my deck in leggings and a sweatshirt. It's cozy and the sun...I will forever be thankful for." The sun can do wonders. Heart shaped sun glasses and my 2011 notebook do the trick too!
30. "I just bought some pink roller skates. Would it be far fetched to say my life is complete?"
31. "I was just told by my boss that I was the best intern I at least have that going for me, eh?"
32. "RATS! The cough attacks start! I can always count on March for 2 things: I will get sick & my relationship will hit rocks or crash and burn." Want to hear something weird...March is when ALL of my problems arise. ALL. Creepy...
33. "Shopping party success at @jbrady87's homio :)" JB hosted a shopping party at her apartment - and it was so wonderful. I got the cutest coat and scarf! Good girl time as well, of course.
34. "Oops! Where did the chili con queso dip go?" Late, late night meet with my gang: Mom and Dad!
35. "Oh man! The moon is out tonight and it is so beautiful. My Mom is calling it the 'Super Moon'! :)" (March 19th)
36. "Did I mention I LOVE cuddling with the little monster cats? I think they love it too...a lot." Before work one day I took a 30 minute 'shut eye time' and my little babes joined. White Sox was the cutest thing I ever did see!
37. "Homework=pulling teeth...from myself. I am pathetic, need to get a grip, get over it and get the pointless/ridiculous work done."
38. And the next day...."MUST...GET...THIS...PAPER...DONE...struggling with great severity."
39. "It is 8 at night and light out. I like this...a lot." Spring, you're almost in full bloom!
40. "I LOVE this vintage, oversized Iowa sweatshirt :)"
41. "I feel extra smart when I do homework with Albert Einstein hair...I like to think that I've perfected it throughout the years."
42. "Field trip to B.A. Sweetie :) It is Laffy Taffy Time!"
43. "The Blimp is out! Goodyear Blimp...does this mean from here on out it's going to be a good year?! I'll just assume that! :)"
44. "Good morning Saturday. Good morning bed head. Good morning 11 question essay test that I need to get done TODAY. STAT!" Bed head...and a smile that is not consistent with my mood of this test.
46. "It's a chilly willy one out today. Forgot my jacket and had to park super far from campus today. I looked silly (in a bad way) #Lessonlearned"
47. "WOW - Here is CERTAINLY to Happiness: I just got the most cheesiest bag of Doritos EVER! Licking my fingers after FOR SURE! Yuummmy!"
48. "New addiction? Golden Oreos. MUST. GET. MORE."
49. "I've been sleeping most of the day. Thinking about more...and it's snowing out. I really have no comment here...oh, except this: #YUCK!"
50. "Why do I keep having re-occuring dreams of people taking things out of my wallet? #scary." Actually, I've been having really bad dreams all around lately.
51. "This left droopy eye lid thing I have going on is...interesting. But not cool...not cool at all." Hahaha, I literally looked silly.
52. "Despite the 'WTF Mate' attitude about the rogue snow dump we just had, the trees are just jaw droppingly beautiful." I was running around campus at 8:00 in the morning snapping pictures. PAPARAZZI!
53. "The pop culture lecture in my Intercultural Communication class today rocked my world :)"
54. "The streets of Akron are a rough and tumble way of life on my car :( Pot holes be gone!" Pam was ALMOST SWALLOWED WHOLE!
55. "March 2011 -- PEACE OUT!"